The pros and cons of birdnesting

On Behalf of | Nov 28, 2018 | Child Custody, Firm News |

Parents in Kentucky and elsewhere generally want what is best for their children after a divorce. One way to do this is to allow a child to remain in the same home in which he or she lived prior to the divorce. In a process called nesting, the child remains in the family home while the parents rotate between that residence and an outside dwelling.

Ideally, this situation will only last for about three to six months. If nesting lasts for any longer, it could create stress and anxiety for the child. This is because he or she is not allowed to adjust to the parents living in separate homes. In some cases, the child may believe that the parents aren’t living in their own homes because they are trying to get back together. As a general rule, children look for any signs that the divorce may not be permanent.

However, children can benefit from the arrangement during the first few months after a divorce. Most importantly, they can still go to the same school and be around the same peer group. That can add to the stability in their lives during what may otherwise be a period of turmoil. A child can also benefit because there is no need to be shuttled between two homes and experience the hassle that can come with that.

If a parent is not granted custody of a child, he or she is generally still allowed visitation and the right to be in the child’s life. In some cases, this means that the child stays with the parent overnight or on weekends. An attorney may help parents create a plan that best meets their needs and those of their children. If necessary, a judge may create a plan for the parents.