The discovery of infidelity can be a turning point in a marriage, often leading to its dissolution. When it comes to divorce, different states handle the issue of infidelity in different ways. In the state of Kentucky, the impact of infidelity on a divorce case may...
How does child custody work in Kentucky?
Child custody arrangements allow divorced parents to share caretaking responsibilities and stay connected to their families. As a divorcing parent in Kentucky, you should be familiar with possible custody arrangements you might encounter. By exploring your options,...
Making child custody during the holidays work smoothly
The holiday season can be especially difficult in a co-parenting situation. The end of the year often comes with changes in schedules, family gatherings and things that may require a bit more flexibility. As a result, it can be emotionally and logistically challenging...
Experienced guidance during a divorce is crucial
When a North Carolina couple decides to end their marriage, they will have many complex financial decisions to make in the weeks and months ahead. It is especially complicated for those who are divorcing later in life, called a gray divorce. Those past or close to...
Divorce with kids: Important factors for a strong custody order
What will happen to the kids when the parents decide to end their marriage? This is a common question for many Kentucky parents as they walk through the divorce process. In most cases, parents are committed to protecting the best interests of their children above all...
Do separated couples always end up divorced?
The choice to separate is not an easy one to make. It may come after years or months of marital problems, and it provides the opportunity for a couple to live separately for a time. A separated Kentucky couple may choose to use this time to work on problems, seek...
How are military pensions handled in divorce?
For many couples, dividing retirement accounts can be one of the most stressful aspects of divorce. After all, your future financial health often depends on this savings. Dividing retirement savings for military spouses involves an additional challenge: dividing...
Does my divorce affect the firm I partner in?
If you are getting a divorce, you might wonder what effect, if any, this has on the business you became a partner in. Does this count as an asset your future ex-spouse may gain rights to in a divorce or is it off limits? Unfortunately, unless there was a legitimate...
How to tell young kids about divorce
When couples decide to divorce, one of the initial challenges is telling the kids. It is a difficult conversation to have no matter what ages the kids are, but when it is a young child, there are certain ways the parents should approach it. According to Today’s...
Does social media play a role in divorce?
Social media has become a centerpiece in many of people’s lives. It is a way to catch up with old friends, a way to keep up with family and a way to pass the time. While it may affect many different aspects of your life, you may not think twice about it when it comes...