When you divorced you knew that you and your ex would both continue to live in Kentucky and would likely share custody of your children. Once you got the court order in place, you were hopeful that you’d be able to co-parent in a peaceful, somewhat low-stress fashion, understanding that you might encounter minor challenges along the way.
What you never expected was that your ex would systematically and methodically attempt to turn your kids against you. In fact, you’re not even sure that’s what’s happening, but you’ve noticed suspicious behavior and your children are not acting like their normal selves. It’s critical to know your rights and where to seek support if you believe your ex is trying to undermine them.
Problem signs that warrant further investigation
The following list includes issues that are definitely cause for concern if you suspect that your former spouse is trying to turn your children against you:
- Is your spouse continually breaking your agreement to avoid making negative comments about each other? It might be a sign of parental alienation syndrome.
- Have your children accused you of things that are untrue but you suspect might have been told to them by your ex? For instance, perhaps they’ve keep saying that they know you blame them for your divorce.
- Does your ex keep changing times and other agreed-upon terms regarding pick-up and drop-off for custody exchanges? Parents trying to alienate kids from a co-parent often do this, then lie to their children, telling them their other parent doesn’t care enough about them to show up on time.
- When your children stay with you, do they have an attitude of indifference or anger toward you when this is not their normal disposition?
- Is your ex isolating your kids from friends or extended family members, in particular, those on your side of the family?
If you think your children are suffering from PAS, the sooner you take action to rectify the situation, the better. You and your ex do not have to agree on every parenting issue; however, no one, including and especially your co-parent, has the right undermine your parental rights. Your ex is legally obligated to adhere to the terms of an existing court order, as well. Reaching out for experienced legal support is often the best means for swiftly resolving parental alienation problems.