3 Reasons Why Trial Experience Matters
There are many personal injury attorneys in Northern Kentucky. When you’ve decided who you want to represent you, it is important to consider experience — not just years of experience but also type of experience. Specifically, it is important to know if an attorney has trial experience.
At C. Ed Massey & Associates, PLLC, our lawyers have decades of combined experience representing personal injury victims in Northern Kentucky. Additionally, we also have extensive trial experience — and we’ll explain why that matters.
1. Trial Experience Means Strong Negotiating Skills
Not all personal injury cases go to trial. In fact, many don’t. Often, insurance companies and the victim’s lawyers are able to reach a fair settlement.
However, even if your case never goes to trial, having an attorney with extensive trial experience means having an advocate who knows what the possibilities are. Every part of negotiations hinges on what a jury is likely to do. If your lawyer doesn’t know because they don’t have trial experience, it could hurt your case.
2. Trial Experience Means Your Lawyer Is Ready For Anything — Including Trial
A lawyer who has trial experience has seen it all. They know what to expect and are prepared for the unexpected. At C. Ed Massey & Associates, PLLC, our attorneys operate under the assumption that trial is always a possibility, and they prepare accordingly.
3. Trial Experience Means Confidence In The Courtroom
If you’ve never done something before — or you’ve only done it once or twice — it’s hard to feel truly confident in your abilities. This is why experience matters. An attorney who has successfully taken many cases to trial is more likely to be confident in their approach and in their ability to obtain a favorable verdict.
Free Consultations For Injury Survivors
For more information about how our attorneys can get you the financial compensation you deserve, call 859-905-0936 or toll-free 866-514-1136 to schedule a free consultation or complete our contact form. With offices in Erlanger and Dry Ridge, we represent clients throughout Kentucky.