How a wedding date choice can affect a later split

On Behalf of | Sep 5, 2018 | Divorce, Firm News |

When people in Northern Kentucky decide to get married, they are often excited to set and announce a wedding date. Sometimes, they choose a date with personal importance to the couple or select one that is more convenient for the family or cheaper for the wedding venue. On other occasions, people might choose a holiday or romantic occasion for their wedding date. However, some research at the University of Melbourne indicates that couples who choose the latter approach may find their date selections accompanied by an increased likelihood of divorce.

The research examined wedding and divorce records for 1 million couples. In the course of tracking these dates, researchers found that 11 percent of couples who chose to marry on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14, were divorced 5 years later. Nine years later, 21 percent of the Valentine’s Day couples had chosen to divorce. The divorce rate for Valentine’s Day weddings was the highest in the study. However, other dates were also linked to a higher likelihood of a later split. “Special number days” like Sept. 9, 1999, or 9/9/99, were also associated with a higher probability of an early end of the marriage.

There are multiple factors that could contribute to this phenomenon. Some suggested that it could indicate those couples who prioritized the details of a fairy tale wedding over the practicalities of marriage. It could also indicate couples seeking a grand romantic gesture to cover up existing problems. However, even the most well-balanced couples may find serious incompatibilities after a marriage, from different approaches to child-rearing to conflicts over how to handle saving and spending.

These incompatibilities, revealed over time, can lead many couples to decide to divorce. When a spouse is thinking about ending the marriage, he or she may consult with a family law attorney to learn more about divorce. A lawyer may provide representation throughout the process on a range of issues, including property division and child custody.