Divorce may be more likely in certain work environments

On Behalf of | Oct 1, 2018 | Divorce, Firm News |

When choosing professions, most people in Kentucky don’t usually consider the ratio of co-workers from the opposite sex. However, a Swedish study looked at if working around co-workers of the opposite sex might have an impact on divorce rates. A previous study covering similar circumstances found that men living in communities with a high female population were more likely to have shorter relationships. Based on an assessment of 30-years of population data, the newer study focused exclusively on work-related environments.

Specifically, researchers compared relationship and employment histories of people who married opposite-sex partners over a 21-year period and held at least one job. According to the results, men who primarily worked in typically male-dominated fields like construction were less likely to get a divorce. On the other hand, the odds of divorce increased in situations when men worked around more women.

Generally, the more opportunities for social interaction at work, the higher the divorce rate. According to findings from the study, people working at hotels and restaurants had the highest divorce risk while individuals working as librarians or farmers were at the lowest risk for ending a marriage. The results are fairly equal for both genders; although, men working around several women were more likely to split legally from their partners than women in similar work situations with men.

Occupation choice and availability of other potential partners is rarely the sole reason why a marriage comes to an end. Regardless of why a couple opts to split, a family law attorney can prove to be a valuable asset and ally during the divorce process. A lawyer can help with such issues as the division of marital property, parenting time arrangements and spousal support. If circumstances significantly change after a marriage legally ends, an attorney may also help a client file a petition to modify a divorce decree.