Defining aggressive driving and how to respond

On Behalf of | Sep 19, 2022 | Personal Injury |

Aggressive driving is a dangerous behavior that can lead to accidents and injuries. Many substitute the term road rage for violent or uncontrolled driving, but not all aggressive driving is the result of anger.

Aggression on the road takes many forms, and how you recognize and respond to these situations could keep you from serious harm.

The many forms of aggressive driving

Aggressive driving is any combination of traffic offenses that could endanger people or property. These are the risky behaviors when operating a car that ignores the safety and wellbeing of those on the road, pedestrians or personal property. Aggressive driving does not require a direct link to anger, as drivers could engage in these behaviors when under stress or running late. Examples of these behaviors include:

  • Tailgating
  • Passing on the right
  • Weaving in and out of traffic
  • Riding alongside another driver
  • Ignoring the right of way
  • Speeding
  • Slamming on the brakes
  • Cutting another driver off

Aggressive driving can lead to road rage, which is why it is important to respond appropriately if you encounter a driver behaving this way.

The ways to respond to aggressive driving

Because everyone involved is at risk for injury or harm, never let yourself become involved with an aggressive driver. Do not slam on your brakes or try to ride up close to make gestures or get the driver’s attention. Let the driver pass without making contact. Contact the authorities if you continue to feel harassed. If you become injured from an incident with an aggressive driver, contact a personal injury attorney as soon as possible.

Aggressive driving is not something you should handle on your own. Avoid contact and allow the other driver to move on.