Why you should not talk to the police without an attorney

On Behalf of | May 8, 2024 | Criminal Defense |

In Kentucky, talking with the police can be nerve-wracking. It may become even more so if you find yourself under suspicion or investigation.

In such situations, it is important to understand your rights. One of the most important rights you have is to remain silent. Exercising this right can often be the wisest course of action when dealing with the police.

Protect your options

Talking to the police without an attorney present can have serious consequences, even if you believe you have nothing to hide. Anything you say to law enforcement officers can be used against you in court.

Even innocent statements can be misinterpreted or twisted to fit a narrative of guilt. By remaining silent until you have legal representation, you avoid the risk of inadvertently incriminating yourself. You also give your attorney the opportunity to advise you on the best course of action.

Officials can use inconsistencies against you in court. The legal system also prefers to see convictions rather than dropped charges or defendants found not guilty. In fact, Kentucky locks up more of its people, percentage wise, than any democratic country does.

Avoid misunderstandings

Police interrogations can be intense and intimidating. People often feel the pressure to say things they later regret. Law enforcement may misconstrue your words, leading to misunderstandings or false accusations. Having an attorney present ensures that you have someone advocating for your interests and protecting you from the potential pitfalls of communication with the police.

In Kentucky, you have the right to legal counsel during police questioning, whether you are being questioned as a witness, a suspect or for any other reason. Exercising this right is not an admission of guilt. Instead, it is a prudent step to safeguard your constitutional rights.